Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects about one out of every hundred people. There are many popular myths and misunderstandings about it. That makes it all the more important to get the facts straight. This blog is for anyone who has Schizophrenia or who has a friend or relative with Schizophrenia. Here you will find:

What it is like to have Schizophrenia

What may cause Schizophrenia

What can be done

Schizophrenia Introduction

Schizophrenia Introduction

How does knowledge make us better families or caregivers for the person with Schizophrenia?

Learning as much as we can about Schizophrenia can help us become more effective and loving families or caregivers, mainly because, it facilitates our own coping with the situation of Schizophrenia. Our ability to cope, in turn, enables us to better help the person with Schizophrenia cope as well.

This Schizophrenia blog provides families and caregivers an overview of Schizophrenia. It lists some basic facts and guidelines, as well as practical tools that can be used to lead individuals with Schizophrenia towards recovery.

Moreover, Schizophrenia information lends to greater insight not only into the limitations entailed in the illness of Schizophrenia, but also into the person's vast potentials, which are often left unrecognized.

As you read through this Schizophrenia blog, it is essential to keep in mind that Schizophrenia is a real mental health illness that requires patience and committed attention. It is a complex condition brought on by no one's fault,only by physical causes.

It is also important to remember that drug treatment should be administered along with other forms of therapy to address issues that cannot be managed by medicine alone.

Next: Schizophrenia Myths

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